21 tips you should know to live a full and healthy life with diabetes.
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Welcome back to Diabetes Consciousness; we are here to help you find solutions towards health.
We are all aware of how complex Diabetes is for any patient. This health condition can cause several problems affecting multiple major body systems.
Today we will talk about the main symptoms and risks that Diabetes has on the largest organ of our body: The Skin. This natural external barrier protects us from all the interactions we receive from the surrounding world.
Type 2 Diabetes affects the skin’s protective function due to the extended periods of high blood sugar levels that lead to dehydration and inflammation. In addition, the skin loses its elastic property, reduces the natural sensitivity that warns of possible injuries, affects the healing capacity of wounds, and changes its normal pH favoring the imbalance of fungi and bacteria. All of the above leaves the body vulnerable to harmful external agents.
We want you to have accurate information about this topic and help you find solutions throughout your health journey, especially when we know how important Healthy Skin is for EVERYONE.
Here we present to you the list of the
7 Type 2 Diabetes Skin Symptoms you should know about:

Due to the increased sugar in the blood, the body seeks balance by increasing the frequency of urination, affecting the tissue’s normal hydration. The skin typically uses between 15% and 20% of the body’s total hydration, and in Diabetes, these percentages are greatly affected. Therefore is essential always to stay hydrated, drink enough fluids, and moisturize the skin externally.
2. Hardening and Fragility:
Poor blood flow can alter the skin’s structure, significantly affecting collagen production and quality. Without healthy collagen networks, the skin can harden and, in some cases, become more fragile.

3. Inflammation:
Untreated high blood sugar can lead to a condition called glucose toxicity, which means that the high concentrations of glucose become toxic and interfere with the necessary biochemical inputs for the organ. Here the skin begins to present a chronic state of inflammation that can evolve into structural alteration and risks the normal defense functions in the long term, allowing different lesions and pathologies to appear.
4. Deficient Healing:
In diabetic patients, there is no normal blood flow to the blood vessels, which reduces the capacity to transport elements for tissue repair through the bloodstream. Together with other healing factors, this hinders the closure of wounds and skin lesions. As a result, healing is slower than desirable, and there is greater susceptibility to developing infections; this is why monitoring any injury or wound closely is essential and not letting situations progress.
5. Reduced Sensation:
A reduced and delayed pain sensation due to nerve damage caused by high blood sugar levels is known as Diabetic Neuropathy. So when the nerve endings that reach the skin are greatly affected, the transmision of pain and injury messages through the nervous system to the brain stops. Unfortunately, the reduced sensation can favor the aggravation of situations that could be solved in time.
6. Alteration of the Normal Bacterial Flora:
Chemical changes in the subcutaneous tissues due to high sugar levels alter the skin’s normal pH. As a result, the habitat of bacteria and microorganisms that physically and immunologically protect our skin is modified. When the balance of this biological ecosystem is disturbed, there is a predisposition to the appearance of bacterial and fungal skin diseases.

7. Alteration of the Immune Response:
As mentioned above, high glucose levels cause inflammation in the different skin layers, which alters the skin’s normal immune response, weakening its defense capacity and making it more prone to allow the entry of bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances harmful to health.
When some or all of these symptoms above are prolonged over time, the risk of developing severe skin lesions can potentially increase. That being the case, we, as a team in Diabetes Consciousness, would like to emphasize and connect with you on the importance of prevention and education toward a Healthy life with Diabetes. Yes, people can use medications to solve their diabetes-related skin problems, but blood sugar management is often the best way to prevent and treat Diabetes Skin symptoms and risks.
So, moving forward, here’s a list of
14 of the most common skin lesions that can appear in Type 2 Diabetes:

- Soft, skin-colored growths that hang or stick out.
- Red patches on the skin that may itch.
- Scaly patches.
- Changes in the nails or scalp.
- Blisters on feet and hands.
- Thick and tight skin with orange peel texture on hands and fingers.
- Small wounds, frequently on the feet, usually develop into diabetic ulcers.
- Dark bands of thickened and velvety skin, especially in the folds near the groin, nape of the neck, or armpits.
- Very thick skin on the back of the neck and upper back, which can make movement difficult.
- Small, firm lumps on the hands, fingers, and forearms.
- Red or brown circular lesions in the form of patches on the shins or other parts of the body.
- Fatty deposits near the eyelids, neck, trunk, shoulders, and armpits.
- Clusters of bumps that may itch.
- Rash progressing to depressed plaques with skin discoloration.
- Frequent bacterial staphylococcal infections, such as boils, sties, nails, or hair follicle infections.
- Fungal infections with scaly skin or small blisters in skin folds. The most common types are the athlete’s foot, between the toes, and blisters or scales on the foot soles.
Therefore, when any skin irregularity appears on any part of the body, we suggest you do not put off consulting a doctor.
The sooner the conditions are treated, the sooner the complications can be avoided.
If you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to watch our videos on the Diabetes Consciousness Official Youtube channel. Here you can find the Definition of Type 2 Diabetes, start from here and continue more in-depth to everything related to Diabetes and a healthy lifestyle.
We hope this information helps you find a solution path in your life.
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👉This video is about Seven Type 2 Diabetes Skin Symptoms. 💡We want you to have accurate information about this topic and help you find solutions throughout your health journey, especially when we know how important Healthy Skin is for EVERYONE.
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We are all aware of how complex Diabetes is for any patient. The variety of symptoms is plenty which can affect many parts of the body, for example, the skin.
A person with Diabetes is at increased risk for skin problems due to malfunction of the defense cells that reduce the body’s ability to respond to some external agents harmful to the skin barrier.
Here are the 5 Type 2 Diabetes Skin Symptoms that you have to know:
1⃣ Acanthosis Nigricans
2⃣ Bacterial Infections and Fungal Infections
3⃣ Foot Ulcers
4⃣ Necrobiosis Lipoidica
5⃣ Diabetic Dermopathy
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