21 tips you should know to live a full and healthy life with diabetes.
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😊 Hi, we are diabetes consciousness and hope this information brings something new and valuable to your health and well-being.
Today we move forward on cellular detoxification 🍃 and its importance in boosting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
How does the body react when it detoxifies?
Detoxification Healing Crisis
When you begin a detox, you may notice a slight increase in symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, tiredness, lightheadedness, diarrhea, or any current symptoms 🤒. This is normal and temporary and occurs as the body begins to eliminate toxic substances. It is a natural part of eliminating accumulated toxins from your cells.
In medicine, it is known as a “healing crisis” and may last 2 or 3 days, after which you begin to feel better and more energetic 💪.

The healing crisis will be more evident if you have accumulated toxins for many years. The organs whose normal function is to eliminate daily toxins are the lungs 🫁, skin, liver, and kidneys.
These organs become temporarily congested at the beginning of the process because they must clean themselves and decongest to begin to receive toxins that are mobilized from other parts of the body.
A healing crisis is uncomfortable, but it is good to know the body is working to clean itself. Usually, it only lasts 2-4 days ⏳.
As with any health problem, you should consult your family doctor 👨⚕️ if the crisis lasts more than 5 to 6 days.
Recommendations for the healing crisis
🔹 Plan to start your detox when you can take a few days. Find your comfort in a quiet place.
🔹 Plan your meal plan according to the detoxification program you will use. Have all the necessary foods and items on hand.

🔹 Conserve your body temperature by wearing warm clothing and maintaining a comfortable room temperature; your body temperature may drop initially.
🔹 Hydrate yourself with warm drinks and the fruits and vegetables recommended by your detoxification plan.
🔹 Some people may take cleansing enemas or colonic baths for the first few days.
🔹 Get plenty of rest, sleep well, and take short naps.

🔹 Avoid emotional discharges
🔹 Avoid intense physical exercise; your body will use energy for other vital functions.
🔹 Avoid demanding intellectual work.
🔹 If you are used to it, meditate, pray or do yoga to quiet your mental energy.
Consult your doctor or therapist and invest time and energy to recover your health and well-being.
Live consciously! 👍
Healing Crisis in Detox. Today we move forward on cellular detoxification 🍃 and its importance in boosting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
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