21 tips you should know to live a full and healthy life with diabetes.
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Hi! We are Diabetes Consciousness; we are here to help you find solutions towards health.
Today we want to help you learn more about what and which sugars should be avoided in the diet of a diabetic person.
⚠ Glucose is sugar
⚠ Lactose is sugar
⚠ Fructose is sugar
⚠ Sucrose is sugar
⚠ Galactose is sugar
⚠ Maltose is sugar

The first thing they suggest to a person diagnosed with Diabetes is not to consume sugar; what kind of sugars do they refer to?
Different types of sugars, where can you find them?
Different types of sugars are found in different ways in foods and beverages. They are classified as:
🔘 Monosaccharides: glucose, galactose, and fructose.
🔘 Disaccharides: sucrose, lactose, and maltose.
It is essential to know what sugar is when choosing foods. It will help you identify them on food labels that contain nutrition information.
You will be able to make ☘ healthy choices when shopping. So, you need to know:
It’s found in fruits like watermelon 🍉, pineapple 🍍, bananas🍌, grapes 🍇, vegetables like beets and carrots 🥕, and honey 🍯. White bread and bagels 🥨, processed cereals, instant oatmeal, snack foods, potatoes, white rice 🍚, and sugar.
It’s found in all fruits 🍎, fruit juices🥤, some vegetables 🥬, and different types of honey 🍯.

It’s found in milk 🥛 and its derivatives, peaches🍑, oregano, celery🥬, cherries🍒, cheese 🧀, wine, and coconut🥥. In viscera such as the brain, kidney, liver, and spleen, in some cereals and legumes, and dried pulses.
It’s found in milk 🥛 and other dairy products, in-ground meat preparations such as hamburgers 🍔, pork, turkey or chicken cold cuts 🍗, cooked ham🍖, bologna, sausages, salami, and chorizo. Bread 🍞 and other baked goods include pancakes 🥞, muffins, cookies and cakes 🧁, mayonnaise, alcohol🍺, and toothpaste.
Some fruits 🍓 contain significant amounts of sucrose, such as mango 🥭, pineapple 🍍, peach 🍑, apricot, nectarine, and fig. Also, dried fruits such as dates. Among vegetables, carrots🥕, beets, cabbage, and tomatoes 🍅 are some of the richest in this disaccharide.
Table sugar. Legumes such as peas 🫘 have a lot of sucrose. All commercial carbonated soft drinks 🥤 and fruit juices have added sugar as sucrose. Dairy products, pastry and confectionery, and sweetened cereals .

It’s found in beer 🍺, barley, rye bread, potatoes, and cereal bars. In apricot, peach, and strawberry jam. Leeks, whole wheat flour, peas, canned corn, and cereals.
These are all different forms of sugar, and being aware of this makes a difference when choosing foods in your eating plan.
Staying informed is a way to prevent and achieve health achievements. We hope this information will be of great use in your daily life.
What is sugar? Today we want to help you learn more about what and which sugars should be avoided in the diet of a diabetic person.
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